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How to install Hadoop on your computer

Hadoop Meme


This post is about installing Hadoop on a computer running Windows 10.

What is Hadoop?

Hadoop is a framework that allows for distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers.

Step 1 - Install Java

Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) is already installed

If JDK 8 is …

How to Run Spark on Jupyter Notebook

Cat Meme


This post is about setting up Spark to run on a Jupyter Notebook on a computer running Windows 10.

To follow along with this post, you should already have Java (JDK 8), Spark, Python, and Jupyter Notebook installed on your machine.

If you need help with those things, here …

How to Install Anaconda

Minions Meme

What is Anaconda?

A open-source distribution of Python that simplifies package management. It comes with applications such as Jupyter Notebook, the Conda environment manager, and Pip for package installation and management.

Anaconda also comes with hundreds of Python packages such as matplotlib, NumPy, and scikit-learn.

It eliminates the need to …

Yes, you can install Spark on your computer

Spark Meme


This post is about installing Spark on a computer running Windows 10.

If you want to run PySpark, you must have Python installed on your machine. If you need help with that, refer to this:
How to Install Anaconda (Python)

If you only want install Spark (Scala), you can …

How to Install Java

Java Meme

Download & Install Java

Download & Install Java Development Kit 8. To figure out which version of Java I need to download, I check my windows version by entering the following in a command prompt:

cmd> wmic os get osarchitecture

The output tells me I'm using the 64 bit version of Windows …

Predicting Fake News with 99% Accuracy


I built a classifier using AI and natural language processing that was 99% accurate in detecting whether news articles were real or fake news. I obtained the articles by web scraping real and fake news sites to download over 600 articles.

Real News Words Real News Words

Real News Words Fake News Words

Introduction …

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